
Energy Efficient Roof Coatings

Do you need to update the coating on your roof? With an SPF insulated roof system from Gateway Environmental Roofing Solutions, you can stop leaks for good, significantly lower your internal heating and cooling costs on your commercial building, and protect your roof from future damage.

Lower Roof Temperature 600

By installing our high-quality Energy Star compliant SPF coating, we can lower your exterior roof surface temperature by as much as 600F.

Studies show that performance of our seamless SPF insulation system is superior to other roofing systems. It does not lose effectiveness due to gaps, joints, or mechanical fasteners. And due to its greater energy efficiency, lowered surface temperatures, and lack of waste from roof tear-off when re-roofing, an SPF roofing system may contribute to your LEED design credits. It is the best roof sealant you can apply with the longest return on your investment.

What is SPF Coating?

SPF is an acronym for Seamless Polyurethane Foam, which is a two-component, seamless, “spray-in-place” sealant and insulation. It has the most efficient insulating properties available on the market today. The SPF insulation is formed by pumping two heated components at high pressure through a precisely metered spray gun. Once they are mixed, the liquids immediately expand to about 20-times their original liquid volume.

Seamless Coating Means No Leaks

The SPF insulating foam bonds firmly to itself, providing a seamless insulation system to seal and protect your roof. Multiple layers of SPF can be sprayed in place to achieve the thickness of insulation needed, each layer bonding with previously sprayed or adjacent layers of SPF.

Flashing and roof details are tied-in with this seamless and quick method of installation – and SPF requires no leaky, penetrating fasteners. The most common points of roofing failures are the seams, flashing details, expansion and contraction movements, and the methods of securing the roof deck. Seamless SPF roofing insulation eliminates these problems.

SPF Roofing Insulation Is Safe

Gateway Environmental‘s SPF roofing insulation and coating systems are fire-rated and fire-resistant, and they comply with local building code requirements. You also get a highly wind-resistant roofing system with SPF because the materials are bonded directly to the construction substrate.

Your roof’s slope-to-drain characteristics can be improved with SPF by applying additional SPF insulating material to low areas. This eliminates ponding of water on your roof by ensuring excess water drains off properly.

Stop Roof Leaks, Lower Energy Expenses

Stop roof leaks and lower your heating and cooling expenses right away with an SPF roof coating from the experts at Gateway Environmental Roofing Solutions. With over 30 years in the industry and the most highly-rated products available, we can be your roofing partner and help you stop worrying about leaking, malfunctioning, hot roofing. Contact us today for a free consultation and estimate and see how easy it is to never have to worry about your roof again, 314-328-9672.